8 Levels Of Core Thinking For Success

In life there are patterns within our thinking, actions and perceptions. The three-month process of the Core Thinking Blueprint Program outlines a pattern of breaking down in order to build up.

Over the course of the program, as part of a proven process, there is a specific transition period where forward movement occurs, success becomes a part of experiences, new thinking and new habits are established, and mindfulness becomes part of decision making.

Using the proprietary Core Thinking Blueprint Wheel, you’ll evolve from limited thinking to an expanded grasp and execution of core leadership principles:

Modules One, Two, and Three

Level 1: Limiting Mindset, Understanding Foundation
Level 2: Conflict, Move Towards Self Responsibility
Level 3: Self Awareness, Change in Thinking

Starting this program is indicative of a shaky foundation.

At this level, there are opportunities to address and work through hidden and/or known apathy, shame, hope, guilt, or hopelessness. Change in thinking includes energetic, worthiness, peaceful, trust, and happiness. There is movement from judgments to self-responsibility, releasing of fears, and anger to calm and confidence. Finally, self-awareness takes hold, and you rise to a new level of commitment. Connection, cooperation, and clarity become your focal points.

Modules Four and Five

Level 4: Courage, Active Shift with Transformative Experience
Level 5: Next Step, This Brings Expansion

These are the turning points in the program.

You begin to shift into a forward movement. It becomes a growing, transformative experience. The old foundation has been replaced by a stronger more stable foundation. Motivation and creativity are heightened, where obstacles are seen as valuable, and ideas are sparked for better results. Next steps are implemented, bringing expansion in extraordinary ways. Empowerment for the self and others along with new perspectives enhances the renewed and exciting experiences.

Modules Six, Seven, and Eight

Level 6: Evolution, Building Core Thinking Blueprint Foundation Framework
Level 7: Evolution, Forward Traction as Old is Replaced with New Core Thinking
Level 8: Flow, Solid Foundation with Clarity, Strength, and Courage

At this stage of the program you are now proactively building your blueprint of core thinking. Choices are made consciously, stress is reduced, you become clearer in decision making, and confidence gains respect for healthy relationships in personal and business life. You become assertive in your communication, that sparks a drive for success. There is synergy, focus and engagement at levels never experienced before. A new you will become an exceptional leader, and visionary, reaching your highest potential.